Posts Tagged With: microsoft visual studio

CSI Project – Software Engineer

This time I worked on a project for Computer Services, Inc (CSI). CSI is a company that supports technology solutions for its customers. Most of the CSI customers are on the banking industry, so they take care of very sensitive data. CSI has several locations across the nation, and I work for the branch that is located in Amarillo, Texas.

On this project, the clients want to keep track of their live production data and generate reports, but they do not want to do it directly on the live production data because if something goes wrong, the live production may be hurt. The solution for this project was to replicate the live production database into another database, called Archive. The clients want to have a system that can send the live production data in a particular time automatically by using a scheduling system.

Please see the video below for the broader explanation of this project:

The video below is talking about the Stored Procedure aspects and the Scrum Process:




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C# ASP.NET Project

This is one of my projects using C# ASP.NET 4.

I built this project in Microsoft environment. I use SQL Server 2008 R2 for the database, and I use Visual Studio 2010 for the code editor.

Features of this website:

  • Advertising Custom Control using AJAX and Script Manager
  • Encryption of Credit Card and User Password
  • Income Report that can be open in Pdf, Excel, and Word documents
  • Good session management
  • Product Search
  • Regular Expression Validations of Credit Card and Email Address

Please check this out:

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Creating Advertising User Control in ASP.NET

In ASP.NET, we can create our own user control. One of the user controls that I have created is Advertising User Control.

In the Advertising User Control, the ads will be displayed like in the video clip below:

Please see Figure 1 for the code behind the page.

advertising user control

Figure 1: Advertising user control code behind the page

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Creating Master Page in ASP.NET4

Another good thing about the ASP.NET4 is Master Page. Master Page is a blue print that we are going to use on our web page. By creating the Master Page, we can use it on every single page that we create. For example, I was assigned to create a website which has three different pages. And every single pages has to have the same header and footer. So, in order to save time and effort, I just created one Master Page that contained header and footer, then I applied the Master Page to those three web pages. Therefore, I did not have to create the header and footer on every single page, I just created the header and footer in the Master Page.

master page

Figure 1: Overview of master page

Figure 1 shows us a web page that is created using a Master Page. Please see Figure 2 to compare the components on the Overview master page and the code.

code master page

Figure 2: Code behind the page

Figure 2 shows us the code behind the page in the Figure 1. We can see that there is no code for header and footer, so we just type and put the information we need as the content of the web page, and we do not have to worry about creating header and footer on every single pages that we create. Imagine if you have so many pages that contains similar header / footer or other features, and you have to create it again and again; it will not just waste your time and effort, but also make you difficult to fix any error or changes.

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Creating Captcha in ASP.NET 4

According to Wikipedia, Captcha “is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. The process usually involves a computer asking a user to complete a simple test which the computer is able to grade. These tests are designed to be easy for a computer to generate, but difficult for a computer to solve, so that if a correct solution is received, it can be presumed to have been entered by a human. A common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen, and such tests are commonly used to prevent unwanted internet bots from accessing websites.”

I was assigned to create a webpage that similar to Amazon forgot password. The major purpose of this assignment was how to create captcha code using C# ASP.NET 4.


Figure 1: Captcha Image

The Figure 1 shows us a webpage that contains a captcha image. This page is not captured from, but I created by myself using ASP.NET4 and that is why if you compare to the amazon forgot password page, the image is not exactly identical to the Amazon forgot password page. The Amazon forgot password page is more professional than mine.

Here some codes that I used to create the capthca image:

1. SetImage Function


Figure 2: Creating an instance of image object

2. RandomText Function


Figure 3: Setup random text

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Paint Shop Windows Form Application

Microsoft Visual Studio enable us to develop a software application using C# ADO.NET. I created windows form application for Paint Shop. The application has features to maintain the paint inventories which enable the seller to view their stock, add paint supplied, and calculate all their transactions with customers.

main menu

Figure 1: Main menu paint shop application

The main menu application gives a link to access master-paint page, paint-supplied page, view stock page, and transaction page.

1. Master Paint page

Master Paint page enable the user to add the category list of a particular paint. They can add some information about the brand, color, suggested price, and the minimum stock level.

Master Paint

Figure 2: Master paint page

2. Paint Supplied

Paint Supplied page enable the user to input their stock since the paints have arrived to their store.

paint supplied

Figure 3: Paint Supplied page

3. View Stock

View Stock page covers all the stock information that the store has. If the quantity of stock are below the minimum stock level, the system will tell the user by showing a list of the paint that need to be purchased to avoid a shortage on their store.

view stock

Figure 4: View stock page

4. Transaction Page


Figure 5: Invoice

Transaction page enable the user to calculate the transaction they made with customers.

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